Business Opportunities

A Guide on Sunflower Farming

About sunflower Sunflower is one crop in the case of which, the season of planting are not the limiting factors.…

4 years ago

Some Business Ideas to Consider for the Year 2021

A lot of changes have been happening both locally and globally, and these present entrepreneurial opportunities to us. We all…

4 years ago

Industries with Voids Entrepreneurs Need to Fill Up: Food & Beverages and Finance

Food & Beverages Whilst we have notable key players in the food and beverages sector, one worth mentioning being “The…

4 years ago

Industries with Voids Entrepreneurs Need to Fill Up: Supply Chain, Tourism & Hospitality and Health care & Pharmaceuticals

Supply Chain A number of industries in Zimbabwe import raw materials from foreign countries such as South Africa and China.…

4 years ago

Industries with Voids Entrepreneurs Need To Fill Up: Media & Agriculture

MEDIA In Zimbabwe, importing has become a culture to an extent of importing content. Around March 2020, DStv had 98…

4 years ago

Industries with Voids Entrepreneurs Need To Fill Up: Energy

Zimbabwe imported US$29.03 Million worth of Electrical Energy during the period January to July 2019 only. Zimbabwe has recently been…

4 years ago

Industries with Voids Entrepreneurs Need to Fill Up: Mining & Manufacturing

Mining With all the efforts being made by the Government of Zimbabwe to continuously grow the Mining Industry, the sector…

4 years ago

Starting a Podcasting Business

Globally the podcasting sector has generated an estimated revenue of 479.1 million in 2018 and it is expected to produce…

4 years ago

Opportunities in the Dairy Sector

The agricultural sector is one of the sectors with potential to uplift the economy of Zimbabwe. The potential of the…

4 years ago

Cattle pen fattening Enterprise

The beef cattle industry has lots of potential for growth leading to improved production and productivity. There are numerous opportunities…

4 years ago