Leadership & Management

Effective leaders leverage on team diversity

By Paul Nyausaru & Chiedza Kadare Leveraging team diversity means harnessing the unique perspectives, backgrounds, and skills of team members to drive innovation, creativity, and

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Managing your emotional intelligence

By Paul Nyausaru THE subject of emotional intelligence is now being considered a critical aspect of any leader. What is Emotional intelligence and what competences

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Key components of employee retention

By Paul Nyausaru KEY employee retention and attraction is critical to the long-term health and success of any organisation. It is not uncommon to realise

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The coincidental entrepreneurial journey of Surdax Investments…A closeup with the lady behind the wheel

AS they say, ‘Coincidence is God’s way of staying anonymous.’ This adage rings true to Roselyn Musarurwa-Charehwa whose company (Surdax Investments) started by chance more

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Can your Business Deliver World-Class Customer Experience?

By Benson Mukandiwa IN the Era of the Customer, many brands claim to put their customers at the core of their business. But do they

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How to Deal with A Difficult Customer in Business

By Robert Gonye BEING a topical issue, handling a difficult customer will always be experienced in the business line of work. Some of the most

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By Dr Davison Todson Gomo THIS topic has been focused on by the Government, scholars, business advocacy   groups, policy makers and the entrepreneurs themselves. It

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Being an Innovative Leader

Being an innovative leader is the art of combining different leadership styles so as to influence co-workers to produce creative ideas, products and or services.

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