A number of young people are not venturing to Mining Business due to lack of knowledge and the skill. On knowledge we are here to give the basics of venturing into a Mining Business, the procedure is less hectic and safe if all the procedures are followed. We are not to talk of the fortunes behind a successful mining venture.
- Zimbabwe has 60 discovered minerals
- Any Zimbabwean Citizen above the age of 18 can acquire a mining claim.
- The Zimbabwean Mining Industry aims to be 12 Billion Dollar Industry by 2022
- Over 50% of Zimbabwe exports are minerals
- A prospectus license costs only 1000rtgs it allows you to:
- Search for the land you want to mine for 2 years
- Peg 10 claims at 1 hectare each or a total of 10 hectares of land
Prospecting and Pegging
- One has to apply for a prospecting licence, and when approved one automatically acquires the rights of prospecting and pegging mining claims anywhere in his respective district of registration.
- When a Prospecting Licence holder has identified a mineral deposit that he/she is interested in, he/she appoints an agent or an Approved Prospector to peg on his behalf.
- The agent is required to physically peg the area by marking the deposit with a Discovery Peg. He/she should also post Prospecting, Discovery and Registration Notices on the ground. The notices must be posted in a conspicuous manner to alert other prospectors.
- Before posting these notices the agent is required to inform/or seek consent from the landowner of his intention to prospect.
NB: Consent is only sought from the landowner if prospecting on a farm less than 100 hectares, otherwise the prospector is only required to inform the farm/landowner in writing either by registered mail or deliver by hand.
Mine Registration
- All areas classified as not open to prospecting and pegging or reserved against prospecting and pegging cannot be pegged, e.g. cultivated lands, dip tanks, Dams, etc.
- An application for registration must be submitted to the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development offices. The application must have copies of the following attachments:
- Prospecting license(s);
- Prospecting Notice;
- Discovery Notice (Base Minerals);
- Notification of intention to prospect to the landowner;
- A map in triplicate to the scale of 1:25000.
- If the Provincial Mining Directors is satisfied that all pegging procedures have been followed he shall issue a certificate of registration upon payment of the gazette fee.
- This allows the holder to start mining operations subject to meeting other obligations like Environment Impact Assessment (EIA).
Post-Mine Registration
- Within three months from the date of registration the miner is required to erect permanent beacons on the ground.
- All precious mineral claims are supposed to be continuously worked on in order to obtain renewal of title. Claims have a 12 month tenure after which they shall expire or be renewed.
- Gold and other precious metal claims are inspected by production and capital expenditure.
- Base metal claims can be protected by payment.
- If a mining claim is transferred or sold a Certificate of Registration after Transfer shall be issued by the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development.
- Failure to renew title will result in the forfeiture of a mining claim. Furthermore loss of title can be through cancellation or abandonment.
- Mines and Minerals Act
- Zimbabwe Mineral Potential Booklet
[…] Business Ideas in the Mining Industry to Consider as an Entrepreneur Besides digging for the rock MINING AS A BUSINESS: HOW TO OBTAIN A MINING CLAIM IN ZIMBABWE […]
I need a mining claim how do I go about it. I need more information please .
Above is a link to a well detailed article on how to acquire a claim.