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Serial entrepreneurship | The Entrepreneurial Magazine Serial entrepreneurship | The Entrepreneurial Magazine

Serial entrepreneurship

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By Abigirl Phiri

NOT many are up for the challenge to become serial entrepreneurs especially if they are operating in volatile environments characterized by uncertainties. But for those who have it to weather the storm, in whatever environment they found themselves in they can successfully prove their prowess by operating various ventures at one go. Interestingly it’s like a clown juggling balls at one go, clever enough to let not one drop.

This goes along with skill and innate passion to prove your worth in the business world. The truth to the matter, if you execute it well then you are guaranteed to have a good return of investment. Also, that will elevate your status in the business forum because you will be a true, tried and tested success story. The general masses are sick and tired of hearing short lived success stories linked to only one business operating on a limited scale.

For serial entrepreneurship the businesses can be in the same line of industry or you can totally diversify to something completely new. One is not limited because the play field is open to whatever. Worth noting is that not many are able to maneuver the unchartered waters of serial entrepreneurship. Needless to mention, this is because it takes a lot of time, strategic planning and needs sound coffers. Without these, you might as well be harboring pipe dreams that will never see the light of day nor will they one day be recognized for your attempts.

Many at times those who have been able to execute this are well experienced entrepreneurs who have been in the game for quite a long time and now understand the ins and out of seizing an opportunity. Undoubtedly, by their continuous strides they will be honing in on their serial entrepreneurial skills. Thus, such individuals are indispensable because they act as motivators to those who think entrepreneurship is a waste of time.

These are the likes of Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Strive Masiyiwa, Phillip Mataranyika and Dr Ndhlukula to mention but just a few making waves in the world. Upon reflection, one needs to understand for their dreams to come to fruition so that they are running different ventures at one go is because also of the networks they have created throughout their business life. That has opened their eyes to continuously see opportunities where others see mist.

Serial entrepreneurship when done right can be rewarding. Every job is taxing but one can derive a level of satisfaction if they are seeing worthwhile results. With serial entrepreneurship you wouldn’t have toiled for naught because at the end it’s getting profit from your business venture whilst giving value to the populace at a right price. As a result, this is why there are not that many up to the task except super intrinsically motivated few individuals like Elon Musk. On all intents and purposes, these serial entrepreneurs their exploits when tabulated they leave one awe struck at the ingenuity of their quick thinking. The downside of serial entrepreneurship is that it can be successfully done by an individual who has a venture in operation for the title to be qualified. According to research 3 is the minimum number for one to be accounted as a serial entrepreneur and it can go up to infinity. It’s not work for the faint hearted who easily give up at a mishap. It proves one has mastered the craft of being their own boss.

Shakespeare acknowledged that some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them therefore proving for serial entrepreneurs they have the knack to continuously seize opportunities. They do not let opportunities and chance slip on their fingers and this is how they continue to amass popularity and achieving success in their own right. Call them workaholics or not but the point remains they are in a league of their alone which needs a standing ovation because ordinary people fail to create one start up. Not because they have not the ideas but they lack resilience.

That said, serial entrepreneurship teaches us that do not put your eggs in one basket. This idiom rightfully applies in this situation because it broadens the serial entrepreneur’s prospects. This is because if one business venture fails then you are doomed. For a serial entrepreneur you have many options to think about. One can sell the venture at some point in time or continue to run it themselves. Either way it’s still a win win situation plus it gives people confidence in your products or service if they associate you with one of your previous brands.

However, it needs a lot of work to become a successful serial entrepreneur. Particularly this cannot be achieved over night neither is it a short termed goal. As an aspiring serial entrepreneur you need to be proactive enough to be constantly on the ball. If for some reason your snooze you will loose and this myopic thinking is a major setback since you would have invested a lot in these businesses. It’s always good to go with what you are passionate about that changes the lives of many in an innovative way that was never thought of or put to use before.

After everything has been said and done, one needs to understand there are different types of entrepreneurship. Equally, you can fit the shoes of all the types available. Know where your strength lies because serial entrepreneurship is not for everybody. One misfortune that many people fail to understand is do not go in business for the sake of trying new things. Do it for the sake of changing lives and giving value for their money. That way people will appreciate you more because you would have made their lives easy. Many are rightfully called but a few are chosen so is the same scenario when it comes to serial entrepreneurship doctrines.

For those who will find their forte in serial entrepreneurship may they have the zeal to continue shining bright. In the same vein, may they take it upon themselves to groom young and talented doubting individuals who have ideas but lack fortitude to make them work.

You can only be tagged an entrepreneur when you have creatively brought an innovation to life relatively making lives easier for the masses. Additionally, one can go to the extremes of creative destruction to prove you are the one and only messiah in business. Suffice to say, serial entrepreneurship in this fast-paced world is gaining popularity as the number of these individuals continue to sprout from different nations hence making proud all entrepreneurship visionaries.

In Zimbabwe to be specific entrepreneurship started on a slow start without much understanding. This goes to say how much little relevance teachings of this doctrine were placed on but now that the world has fully embraced it, this has attributed the growth of different types of entrepreneurship flourishing. All in all, the business world narrative has been changed by the emergence of all types of entrepreneurs. Furthermore, this has helped not only the Small and Medium Enterprises sector but the overall economic growth of the country as a whole.

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